Примечания, часть 1




1. 2 Кор. 3:18.


Часть 1. Глава 1


1. Giordano Bruno, “De Г infinite” universi et mondi”, quoted in Boulting, “Giordano Bruno”, p. 139.

2. Bruno, “De gli eroci furori”, quoted in Frances A Yates, “Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition” (Chicago6 University of Chicago Press, 1964), p. 278.

3. Bruno, “Explanatory Epistle”, in “The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast”, trans. And edited Arthur D. hneri (New Brunswick, N.j.: Rutgers University Press, 1964), p. 72.

4. Bruno, “De I'infinito”, quoted in Dorothea Waley Singer, “Giordano Bruno: His Life and Thought”, (N.Y.: Henry Schuman, 1950) pp. 58-59.

5. Bruno, “De immenso”, quoted in Singer, “Giordano Bruno”, p. 75.

6. The Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 vols. (N.Y.: Robert Appleton Co, 1907-14) s.v. “Bruno, Giordano”.

7. См. Zuane Mocenigo, Documents 1 and 3, quoted in “Life of Giordano Bruno, the Nolan”, rev. Ed. (London: Trubner and Co., 1887), pp. 262, 265; and Boulting, “Giordano Bruno”, pp.265-66.

8. Gaspar Schopp to Conrad Rittershausen, Rome, 17 Feb. 1960, quoted in Boulting, “Giordano Bruno”, p. 300, and Frith, “Life of Giordano Bruno”, p. 391.

9. Imerti, примечание редактора к “Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast”, p. 26.

10. Boulting, “Giordano Bruno”, pp. 164, 163.

11. См. Singer, “Giordano Bruno”, p. 165; and Daniel G. Brington and Thomas Davidson, “Giordano Bruno: Philosopher and Martyr” (Philadelphia: David McKay Publisher, 1890) pp. 52-54.

12. Vincenzo Spampanato, “Document! della vita di Giordano Bruno”, (Florence: Leo S.Oschki Editore, 1993), p. 96.

13. Еккл. 1:9.

14. Pietro Rendodi, “Galileo Heretic (Galileo eretico)”, trans. Raymond Rosenthal (Princeton University Press, 1987), p. 7.

15. Singer, “Giordano Bruno”, pp. 176, 177.

16. Там же, р. 177.

17. Schopp to Rittershausen, quoted in Singer, “Giordano Bruno”, p. 179.


Глава 2


1. George Galiup, Jr., and Frank Newport, “Belief in Phychic and Paranormal Phenomena Widespread among Ameri-cans”, “The Galiup Poll Monthly”, August 1990, p. 42.

2. George Galiup, Jr.,with William Proctor, “Adventures in Immortality” (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1982) p. 193.

3. Hans Ten Dam, “Exploring Reincarnation”, trans. A.T.J. Wils (London: Penguin Group, Arkana, 1990), p. 3.

4. Galiup and Newport, “Belief in Psychic and Paranormal Phenomena”, p. 42.

5. В 1980 году в Америке было около 74 миллионов протес­тантов и 50 миллионов католиков.

6. См. “Stir in Dannish Church over Reincarnation”, “Christian Century”, 2 March 1994, p. 222.

7. Lutoslawsky, “Preexistance and Reincarnation” (London: George Alien and Unwin, 1928), p. 29.

8. Brian Harley and Glenn Firebaugh, “Americans' Belief in an Afterlife: Trends over the Past Two Decades”, “Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion”, 32 (1993):

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