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an analysis of a case ofhystcria," from Standard Edition ofthe Complete Psychological Works ofSigmund Freud (London:

Hogarth Press, 1953), p. 68.

10. Freud, S., "Introductory lectures on psychoanaysis" from Standard Editi­on ofthe Complete Psychological Works ofSigmund Preud, vol.15 (Lon­don: Hogarth Prcss,1916-17), p. 222.

11. Kedrov, В. М., "On the question of scientific creativity," Vo- prosy Psiko-logii, 3(1957): 91-113.

12. Kaempffen, W., A Popular History of American Invention, vol. II (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924), p. 385.

13. Dement, W., Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep (San Francisco: W.H. Freeman,1972), p. 101.

14. Faraday, A, Dream Power (IVew York: Coward, MeCann & Geoghegan,1972),p.303.

15. Dement, op. cit., p.102.

16. Steiner, S. 5. and Ellman, S. J., "Relation between REM sleep and intracra-nial self-stimulation," Science 177 (1972): 1122-24.

17. Rhinegold, H., "Tapping into Your Dream Power," Oui Magazine (1981):80-125.

Глава 8

1. Hobson, J. A. and McCarley, R. W., "The brain as a dream-state generator:

An activation-synthesis hypothesis ofthe dream process," American Jour­nal of Psychiatry 134 (1977): 1335-48.

2. Freud, S., "Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis," from Standard Editi­on of the Complete Psychological UVorks ofSigmund Freud, vol.15 (Lon­don: Hogarth Press.1916-17), p.153.

3. Hobson & McCarley, op. cit.

4. Goleman, D.,"Do dreams really contain imponant secret meaning?" New York Tinies, July 10,1984.

5. Ibid.

6. Kiesler, E., "Images of the night," Science, 80 (1980): 1436-43

7. Hobson,). A., "The reciprocal interaction model of sleep cicle control: A discussion in the light ofGuiseppe Moruzzi's concepts," from Pompeino, 0. and Marsan, C. Ajmone, eds., Brain Mechanisms and Perceptual Awareness (New York: Raven Press, 1981), p.398

8. Durgnat, R. and Hobson, J. A., "Dream dialogue," Dreamworks 2 (Pall 1981): 76-87.

9. Crick, F. and Mitchison, G., "The function of dream sleep," Nature 304 (1983): 111-14.

10. Melnechuck, Т., "The dream machine," Psychology Today 17 (1983): 22-34.

11. RoHwarg, H. P.; Muzio, J. N.; and Dement, W. C., "Ontogenic develop­ment of the human sleep-dream cycle," Science 152 (1966): 604-19.

12. Greenberg, R. and Peariman, C., "Cutting the REM nerve: An approach to the adaptive role of REM sleep," Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 17 (1974):513-21.

13. Cohen, H. and Dement, W. C., "Sleep: Changes in threshold to electroconvulsive shock in rats after deprivation of'paradoxical' phase," Science 150(1965): 1318-19.

14. Hartmann, E., The Function of Sleep (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973 ).

15. Dallet, J., "Theories of dream function," Psychological Bulletin 6 (1973):


16. Rossi, E. L, Dreams and the Growth of Personality

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