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21. Yrani, op. cit., p. 113.

22. Ouspensky, op. cit., p. 282.

23. McCreery, op. cit., pp.118-19.

24. Pompeiano, 0. and Morrison, A R., "Vestibular influenses during sleep, 1. Abolition of the rapid eye movements of dcsynchronized sleep following vestibular lesions," Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 103 (1965): 564-95.

25. Lerner, В., "Dream function reconsidered," Jotirnal ofAbnor- mal Psyc­hology, 72 (1967): 85-100.

26. Tart, С., Altered States of Consciousnenss (New York: E.P. Dutton,1975), p. 63.

27. Ghose, Sri Auribindo, The Life Divine, vol. 18 (Ponticherry, India: Sri

Auribindo Press, 1970), p. 425.


Глава 6

1. Evans-Wentz, W. Y., ed.. The Yoga of the Dream State (New York: Julian Press,1964),p.216.

2. Rajneesh, B. S„ The Book ofthe Secrets-I (New York: Harper & Row),1974, p.118.


4. DeRopp, R., The Master Game (New York: Dell,1968),p.61.

5. Rajneesh, op. cit., p. 142.

6. Tholey, P., Techniques for inducing and maintaining lucid dreams," Perceptual and Motor Skills 57 (1983): 79-90.

7. Tulku, Т., Openness Mind (Berkeley: Dharma Publishing,1978), p.136.

8. Tholey, op. cit.

9. McCreery, C., Psychical Phenomena and the Physical World (London: Hamish Hamilton,1973), p. 86.

10. Carfield, P., "Psychological concomitants of the lucid dream state," Sleep Research, 4 (1975) 184.

11. Tart, C., "From spontaneous event to lucidity: A review of at- tempts to consciously control nocturnal dreaming," from Wolman, В. В., cd., Handbook of Dreams (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979), p. 261.

12. Castaldo, V. and Holtzman, P., "The effect of hearing one's uoice on sleep mentation," The Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- ease 144 (1967): 2-13.

13. Dement, W. and Wolpert, E., "The relation of eye movements, body moti-lity, and external stimuli to dream content," Journal of Experimental Psyc­hology 55 (1968): 543-53.


Глава 7

1. Green, E.; Green, A; and Walters, D., Biofeedback for mind- body self-re­gulation: Healing and creativity," from Fields Within Fields ... Witbin Fields (New York; Stulman.1972), p. 144.

2. Ibid.

3. MacKenzie, N., Dreams and Dreaming (New York: Vanguard, 165), p. 83.

4. Jaffe, D. Т. and Bresler, D. E., "The use of guided imagery as an adjunct to medical diagnosis and treatment," Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 20 (1980): 45-59.

5. Levitan, H., "Failure ofthe defensive function ofthe ego in dreams of psyc­hosomatic patients," Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 3 б ( 1981 ): 1-7.

6. Van Eeden, F.,"A study of dreams," Proceedings ofthe Society for Psychical Research 26 (1913): 431-61.

7. Ibid.

8. McCreery, C., Psychic Phenomena and the Physical World (London: Hamish Hamilton,1973), pp.102-04.

9. Freud, 5.,. "Fragment of

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