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это добавление было сделано Селией Грин в «Осознанных снах» (Оксфорд:

Институт психофизических исследований, 1968), стр. 130.

23. Roffwarg, H.; Dement, W.; Muzio, J.; and Fisher, C., Dream imagery: Re­lationship to rapid eye movements of sleep," Archives of General Psycholo­gy, 7(1962): 235-58.

24. LaBerge, S., "Lucid dreaming: some personal observations," Sleep Research, 8 (1979): 158.

25. Worsley, A., Personal communication,1981.

26. Worsley, A., "Personal experiences of lucid dreaming," from Gackenbach, ). I. and LaBerge, 5. P., eds., Lucid Dreaming: New Research on Conscious­ness During Sleep (New York: Plenum, in press.)


Глава 4

1. Hall, C., "Do we dream during sleep? Evidence for the Goblot hypothesis," Perceptual and Motor Skills, 53 (1981): 239-46.

2. LaBerge, S. P. "Psychological parallelism in lucid dreams," from Arsen, A.;

Dolan, А. Т.; and )ordan C. S., eds., Handbook oflmagery Research and Practice (New York: Brandon House, in press)

3. LaBerge, S. P. and Dement, W. C., "Voluntary control ofrespiration during REM sleep," Sleep Research, II (1982):107.

4. LaBerge, S. P. and Dement, W. C., "Lateralization of alpha activ- iry for dreamed singing and counting during REM sleep," Psycho- physiology,19

(1982): 331-32.

5. LaBerge, S. P.; Greenledf, W.; and Kedzierski, В., Physiological responses to dreamed sexual activity during lucid REM sleep," Psychophysiology, 20 (1983): 454-S5.

Глава 5

1. Faraday, A., The Dream Game (New York: Harper & Row 1976), pp. 39-40.

2. Fox, 0., Astral Protection (New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books.1962), p. 90.

3. Gillespie, G., "Lucidity language: A personal observation," Lucidity Letter 1(4) (1982): 5.

4. Ouspensky, P., A New Model of the Universe (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul,1931,1960) p. 281.

5. Green, C., Lucid Dreams (Oxford: Institute for Psychophysical Research,1968), p. 85.

6. Garfield, P., Creative Dreaming (New York: Ballantine Books 1974), p. 143.

7. McCreery, C., Psychical Phenomena and the Physical World (London: Ha-mish Hamilton,1973), p.114.

8. Garfield, P., Pathway to Ecstasy. (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston,1979), pp.134-35.

9. McCreery, op. cit., p. 91.

10. Rapport, N., "Pleasant Dreams!" Psychiatric Quarterly 22 (1948): 309-17.

11. Faraday, A., The Dream Game (New York: Harper & Row, 1976), p. 334.

12. Yram, Practical Astral Projection (New York: Samuel Weiser 1967), p. 113.

13. Fox, op. cit., p. 32-33.

14. Green, op. cit., p. 99.

15. Ibid., p. 100.

16. Fox, op. cit., p. 43-44.

17. Garfield, op. cit., p. 45.

18. Gackenbach, J. and Schfflig, В., "Lucid dreams: the content of waking con­sciousness occurring during the dream," unpublished paper.

19.Fox.op.cit., p. 35-6.

20. Sparrow, G. S., Lucid dreaming: the dawning of the clear

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